Chris Iula is an experienced home inspector from Saratoga Springs, New York

You should be very carefully while buying a home as it is a onetime investment for many and you should not regret your decision later in life. Hence, it is better to hire the services of a qualified home inspector who can access the quality and condition of the home whether suitable for your investment. Chris Iula is one home inspector who is an expert in checking out every aspect of the property before generating a report about the quality and condition of the home for you to take an informed decision. The home inspector doesn’t restrict just to the exteriors or the interiors of a home but also tries to look for the potential defects in the house that are not visible to the naked eye and could hamper quality living conditions. As far as the exterior the home inspector checks the foundation, chimneys, gutters, doors, windows, masonry etc and interiors like ceiling, walls, plumbing, electrical work, flooring, fire places and other elements. Above this Chris Iula also does pest inspection to find out any scope or existence of pests in the home to full eradicate and prevent them to exist in the surroundings. The home inspector also focus on any dampness in the walls or leakages as that can lead to mold formation which has a great impact on the quality of the air indoors and can lead to many health problems to those who are allergic to mold.
You can also avail services like radon gas inspection as in some location’s houses build with poor quality can give away to the entry of radon gas through concrete pores, fissures in the foundation and other means for radon gas. This radon gas is a naturally occurring radio active gas from the decay of uranium generally found in rocks and some types of soil. Chris Iula uses charcoal canisters, radon monitors and self-test kits to check the presence of radon gas and its levels whether harmful to the occupants. Chris Iula also offer services like well flow test, FHA water purity test for coliform bacteria and lead, nitrates and nitrites. You can in fact avail a single home inspection test or a comprehensive home inspection service that is offered in the best quality by Chris Iula. He comes up with not only the potential defects and maintenance issues in a property but also recommendations and solutions to address the issues effectively.


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